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Plantar Fasciitis
Waking Up To A Stabbing Pain In Your Heel? What is Plantar Fasciitis? Body movement is a dynamic interplay of muscles, ligaments, and...

Nerve Pain/Radiculopathy
Noticing Numbness Or Tingling In Your Hand Or Foot? What is Nerve Pain When you stub your toe or hit your head, those bursts of pain are...

Myofascial Trigger Points
What are Myofascial Trigger Points? Your thoracic spine is the column of vertebrae that extends from your upper back down to your torso....

Muscle Strains and Sprains
If a sudden injury left you sore or immobile, there’s a good chance you’ve sustained a strain or sprain. What are Muscle Strains and...

Knee Pain
Are You Experiencing Pain Or Discomfort In Your Knee? What is Knee Pain? Whether from injury or a chronic condition, knee pain is common...

IT Band Syndrome
Is Knee Pain Getting Between You And Your Favorite Activities? What is IT Band Syndrome? Your knee is a complicated joint responsible for...

Hip Pain
7% Of Adults Report Experiencing Hip Pain Within The Past 30 Days. What is Hip Pain? Located at the intersection of the upper legs and...

More Than 5 Million People In The United States Suffer From Fibromyalgia. What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a particularly...

Chronic Pain
Experiencing Pain That Just Won’t Go Away? What is Chronic Pain? To understand chronic pain, it is helpful to consider that pain is...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Have You Noticed Persistent Discomfort In Your Wrist Or Hands? What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The median nerve is a neural pathway that...

Does One Of Your Joints Or The Area Around It Feel Stiff Or Swollen? Does It Hurt More After Activities Involving Repetitive Movement?...

Arthritis and Joint Problems
Have Your Joints Become Stiff Or Painful As You’ve Gotten Older? What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a broad category used to describe over...

Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains are not only painful, they can keep you off your feet for weeks. What are Ankle Sprains? Your ankle is a dynamic joint,...

Anyone Can Experience Sciatica. However, you are at an increased risk if you are between the ages of 30 and 50. What is Sciatica? It is a...

Herniated Disc
The Common Term “Slipped Disc” Is A Bit Of A Misnomer. While it might feel like something in your back is out of place, spinal discs are...

Neck Pain
For most people, a stiff or sore neck is the gradual result of poor posture, bad sleeping positions or stress. For others, it may be due...

Headaches and Migraines
You are not alone. In fact, up to half of the population experiences some form of headache. Migraines, sinus, tension and cervicogenic...

Injuries Related To Auto Accidents Can Surface After The Crash Itself. What Is Whiplash? You owe your neck’s strength and flexibility to...
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