The Common Term “Slipped Disc” Is A Bit Of A Misnomer.
While it might feel like something in your back is out of place, spinal discs are well secured and unlikely to move. They can, however, degenerate and become dysfunctional.
What is a Disc Herniation or Protrusion.
Intervertebral discs are layers of cartilage between the bones of your spine. They act as shock absorbing cushions and allow you to twist and bend. Discs owe their strength and flexibility to their unique shape: a tough fibrous outer layer containing a nucleus of jelly-like fluid.
As you age, the outer disc layer can become stiff and rigid, and thus more likely to crack. This is called a disc tear, the most common type of disk injury. Without a proper “seal,” disc fluid can move around or leak, jeopardizing integrity of the disc. Different types of disc protrusions can often result.
Disc bulging occurs when the inner fluid pushes to one side within the disc, causing swelling and painful pressure. In a herniated disc, the fluid has ruptured the outer layer, distorting the shape of the disc. A herniated disc can disturb nearby nerve roots and cause tremendous pain, numbness, tingling and leg weakness.
Disc prolapse means a portion of the disc has completely separated and detached from the rest of the disc. In severe cases, the disc becomes desiccated. This means it has lost all its fluid and is completely worn down. At this point, bones can fuse together.
Recognizing the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc
Take note if you are experiencing the following symptoms:
Intense pain in your buttocks, thigh or calf may indicate a herniated disc in your lower back (lumbar spine)
Intense pain in shoulder or arm may indicate a herniated disc in the neck (cervical spine)
Numbness or tingling in the affected area
Muscle weakness
Pain symptoms may intensify and spread through your arm or leg when you sneeze or cough. Lifting heavy objects or twisting your spine can cause or aggravate the condition.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we recommend you come in for a consultation. Make an appointment online anytime.
We are here to help
Our mission is to provide a timely and sustainable recovery. We practice a wide range of evidence-based techniques to aid in your recovery, customized for each patient.
Chiropractic Manipulative Treatment to help restore your full range of motion.
Therapy modalities such as cold laser or electric stimulation to minimize muscle tightness, pain, and swelling.
Neuromuscular Massage Therapy to improve circulation and reduce pain.
Therapeutic stretching to increase your flexibility.
Spinal Decompression or traction
Irondequoit Chiropractic Center is proud to have served the Rochester community for more than 20 years. You can schedule an appointment anytime by contacting our office.